Kel-Crete is one of the best products we’ve found. Kel-Crete is a proprietary and tested blend of admixtures using a base of neutralized wood resin.
Kel-Crete advantages:
- Easier pumping
- Greatly reduces rebound
- Reduces shrinkage
- Increases air entraining
- Adds bond strength
- Decreases separation which decreases hose friction, and equipment costs.
Additionally, it costs less than other additives both to purchase and to handle. Drums are available.
Related Links
- Click here to learn more about our admixtures
- Shotcrete Mix Design
- Basic Steps to Applying Shotcrete to a Monolithic Dome
- Mixing the Strongest Shotcrete
- Who Needs the Monolithic® Integrator™ Portable Concrete Mixer? You do.
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